
Welcome to AABB's Information Technology in Blood Banking & Transfusion Services Certificate Program.

Whether you are just entering the workforce or already have experience, the AABB Information Technology in Blood Banking & Transfusion Services Certificate Program is designed to provide a solid foundation to understanding the blood banking and transfusion services field from the unique perspective of an IT professional.

Activities Included:

Welcome & Instructions

Please click the Start button to begin. You will be presented with all the sessions in this section. You can watch them in any order. Viewing all the sessions is REQUIRED before moving to Module 1. You will also be able to download the handout and an audio MP3 file of each session. Once you have watched a video simply click the Complete button and the next video will be presented to you.

Activities Included:

Overview of the Blood Pipeline

Ecology of Blood

Transfusion Medicine as Applied Immunology

Industry Review/Overview: Challenges in this Area

Blood Centers 101

Requirements for Storage and Expiration

Principles of Blood Supply Safety

Directed & Autologous Donors

Designed to introduce IT professionals to blood banking concepts, practices and regulatory governance.

Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to:

  • Discuss the principles of blood supply safety.
  • List the processes used to collect, manufacture, and transfuse blood products.
  • Identify blood units and blood products using DIN (Donation Identification Number) and ISBT 128 product labels.
  • Discuss the differences between whole blood and apheresis blood products.
  • Describe the importance of accurate donor records.
  • Discuss compliance issues for blood establishment computer software and the related hardware/software environment.
  • Describe the IT professional’s role in a blood banking environment.

There are 3 parts to this module. Start with Part 1. 

Activities Included:

Module 1: Part 1

Module 1: Part 2

Module 1: Part 3

Introduces the IT professional to Blood Establishment Computer Software (BECS), the Blood Establishment Computer System, and FDA requirements related to software use in a blood establishment.

Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to:

  • State the FDA’s definition of Blood Establishment Computer Software (BECS).
  • Describe intended uses of a BECS and why IT personnel need to understand them.
  • Define the role of the BECS in completing and maintaining process documentation required by the FDA.
  • State the FDA’s definition of Blood Establishment Computer System.
  • Describe regulations that affect software used in a blood banks and blood establishment.
  • Discuss the differences between Quality Systems for blood manufacturing and medical device software manufacturing.
  • List data backup requirements for blood manufacturing facilities.

Activities Included:

Module 2: Blood Establishment Computer Software (BECS)

Module 2 Assessment

Introduces IT personnel to regulating and accrediting agencies. While it is not possible to include all agencies, this module includes information regarding authorities with the greatest influence on blood banking policies and practices.

Upon completion of this module, learners should be able to:

  • Discuss the concept of regulation versus accreditation.
  • Describe the roles of government agencies with responsibilities for blood banking and transfusion services.
  • Describe the roles of private organizations that influence blood banking practices through publication of standards and/or credentialing programs.

Activities Included:

Module 3: Regulating and Accrediting Authorities in Blood Banking

Embed 3D Test

Module 3 Assessment

In an ongoing effort to provide the highest quality education, we would like to get your feedback. Completion of this evaluation is required to earn the Certificate of Completion.

The program evaluation will appear when you have completed all the program requirements.  

Activities Included:


Last Step! To print your continuing education certificate please take a moment to identify the credit type from the listing provided. If you select CLP or FLP credit you will also be required to provide your license number.

Activities Included:

Claim Continuing Education Credit

These sessions have been provided as additional learning after you have completed the program. Viewing these sessions is optional (not required in order to earn the AABB Information Technology in Blood Banking & Transfusion Services Certificate). 

Please click the Start button to begin. You will be presented with all the sessions in this section. You can watch them in any order. You will also be able to download the handout and an audio MP3 file of each session. Once you have watched a video simply click the Complete button and the next video will be presented to you.

Activities Included:

Blood Banking: Global Environment

Blood Banking: Challenges in this Area

Blood Products and Indications on Why You Would Transfuse Each

ABO Typing & Antibody Screening/Identification and Crossmatching – Why is This Important

Adverse Effects of Blood Transfusion

Transfusion Medicine: Challenges in this Area

Regulatory/Compliance: Challenges in this Area

Activities Included:

activity 1