What is the biggest challenge you are facing in your career at this time?
Danielle DeAngelo, DES
Joined: Jul 25, 2018

Please leave your answer below.

Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:00 AM
Tim Stuhldreher

Conversing solely virtually has been a challenge. But with the right tools and platforms, any challenges can be overcome! 

Kelly Harmon

Learning the virtual platform has been a bit different, but a good challenge in moving forward with events!

Christine Labuda

Virtually learning about digital platforms is definitely a challenge, I am so thankful to be doing this to further my knowledge of the Meetings & Events world!

Ms. Elizabeth Hanson, DES

Adjusting to the clients' new demands. When COVID started out, clients were scrambling just to pull something together. But now a good number of clients come with a detailed list of what they want out of a virtual event - we're not the only ones who have learned a thing or two!